Our Commitment to Safety

Our HSE Commitment

Tescom Limited is committed to providing a workplace that enables all work activities to be carried out safely.

We will take all reasonably practicable measures to eliminate or minimize risks to the health, safety and welfare of workers, contractors, visitors, and anyone else who may be affected by our operations.

We are committed to ensuring we comply with the Occupational Safety and Health legal requirements in every place we operate. We will also comply with any relevant legislation, applicable Codes of Practice and Standards as far as possible.

We have a robust set of OSH management plan and OSH policies and procedures. These set out the safety the safety arrangements and principles.

Which are to be observed by Tescom Limited and its workers to ensure compliance .To provide appropriate mechanisms for continuing consultation and management of OSH matters.

We Care for our people’s safety

Tescom Limited is committed to ensuring, the health and safety of its workers (employees, contractors, labor hire workers, outworkers, apprentices, students or volunteers) while they are at work, and that the health and safety of other persons (e.g. visitors) is not put at risk from our operations. This will be achieved by:

  • Providing and maintaining a healthy and safe work environment through the implementation of safe work practices, safe systems of work and the provision of safe plant and equipment;
  • Ensuring that workplace under the control of Tescom Limited are safe, without risk to health, and have safe means of access and egress.
  • Routinely consulting in order to maintain effective and co-operative relationships between its workers, and with other duty holders, on health and safety matters in the workplace; and
  • Reviewing, through appropriate mechanisms, the effectiveness of the safety measures taken.

Tescom Limited commitment to providing safe and healthy working environments for its workers includes:

  • Providing relevant, up-to-date OSH information to all workers on matters such as workplace safety and their responsibilities;
  • Providing expert assistance in OSH matters where necessary;
  • Providing instruction and/or training in work processes where appropriate;
  • Developing and implementing strategies which include workplace assessment, hazard identification, and appropriate remedial action to eliminate or control hazards; and
  • Implementing and maintaining appropriate information, reporting and statistical systems.

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